Twenty Questions with Bridget Nicole

1. What is the difference between being a writer and an author to you?

I think anyone who is currently working on a writing piece could consider themselves to be a writer. I will consider myself an author once I have published my first book.

2. How long have you been writing?

I started writing my first book in February of 2021.

3.  Why do you write under a pen name?

Honestly, my last name isn’t the sexiest name to put on a book cover! I also have a teenage son, and I have a feeling his mother’s writing might be slightly horrifying for him, so a pen name provides a little more privacy.

4.  What is the most difficult part of the writing process for you?

I think it’s probably coming up with an entire outline for a book. I tend to be a go with a flow kind of writer, but at the same time, I know how much easier that is when you start with a basic structure.

5.  What advice would you give to someone starting to write their first book?

Just sit down and start writing! If you want to do an outline first, then find the way that works for you to do that first, but then just write. Get all of your thoughts out. You can always go back to expand or edit the details.

6. What comes first for you, the plot or the characters?

For the first book, I would say I just had a general idea for the plot and the characters as a whole. However, from the second book forward, I would say it starts with the characters. I always have an idea of what direction I want them to go, but I have to know who they are, their personalities, what motivates them, etc. before I can design a plot around them.

7.  How would you describe your ideal reader?

My ideal reader would be someone who enjoys a love story heavily focused on the connection between the two main characters, but with the fantasy of the paranormal that allows the reader to escape to possibilities outside of reality. This reader should enjoy steamy love scenes, characters with strong personalities, and should not be easily offended by some foul language – those Alpha werewolves do enjoy expressing themselves!

8.  How important is professional editing in your opinion?

So very important! In my opinion, it’s essential to get your work in front of a set of objective eyes. Professional editors are great at pointing out holes in the plot, showing areas that could be expanded, telling a writer what’s necessary, and asking questions about the plot that could potentially confuse the reader. It’s their job to help you make your book the best it can be. If an editor doesn’t pick up on these things before publishing, a reader probably will, and no one wants that.

9.  How did you come up with your titles?

I didn’t come up with the title for Beginnings until I had finished the book. By that time, I knew that I wanted the story to go on for my characters, and it seemed fitting. It’s how it all began. From there, I’ve tried to stick to one word titles for the remaining books in the series. It can be difficult to find one word that encompasses everything in a book and feels just right, but at least for the Pinewood Series, that’s what I’m trying to do.

10. Would you be friends with your characters?

Absolutely! I can find something I like about all of my characters, unless of course, they are meant to be disliked. I love the strength and protectiveness of the male characters, but I also try to be sure that while the females (and males) show vulnerability, no one is allowing themselves to be walked all over by another character in my books! How fun would it be to be invited along on a girls’ lunch with Olivia, Chloe, and Vanessa?

11. Have you ever traveled for book research?

No, but what a dream that would be! Maybe someday.

12. What is your writing schedule like?

My schedule varies widely from day to day. I have a husband and a teenage son, and prior to starting my writing career, I was a stay-at-home mom. I very much still fill that role, so it’s all about finding the balance between doing all the things I usually do, and getting in as much writing time as possible. I love days when I get to start writing by 9:30 or 10:00 in the morning, and I’m able to write until 6:00 in the evening. However, sometimes I’m focusing on my books for eight hours in a day, sometimes it’s four hours or two hours, and there are days when I don’t fit it in at all. I’ve had to learn that you can’t do all the things every single day.

13. Do you play music while you write, if so, what kind?

If I were to play music while I write, it would be instrumental only. I really enjoy modern songs being played by a string quartet. However, I typically prefer to write in complete silence, or as close to it as I can get. If I have music or the television on in the background, my ADHD brain tries to focus on the words being spoken or sung, as well as what I’m writing, and it just doesn’t work for me. However, my writing is totally inspired by music when I’m not actually at the keyboard. I love matching a song with a scene and imagining it all playing out.

14. What is the best way to improve your writing skills?

Keep writing! The more you write, the more your skills improve. You should also be open to constructive criticism from a trusted source, such as an editor.  

15. How do you come up with character names?

I explore baby name lists online, I look at sports rosters from school, and I think about names I’ve liked from past movies, TV shows, famous people, etc. I just try to find a name that fits the personality of the character I’m developing.

16. Who do you trust for objective and constructive criticism?

First and foremost, I trust my editor. I would recommend someone who has been in the publishing business and knows what readers like and expect. It is literally their job to give you this kind of feedback to help you become a better writer. Aside from my editor, I have a friend who will always tell me what she loves, but she tells the truth, even if it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

17. Besides werewolves, what other kinds of paranormal characters might you write in the future?

I would love to write a vampire series one day, or maybe even a combination of vampires and werewolves.

18. If you could be one of the characters in your books, which one would you be?

I love them all so much…it’s hard to choose! I think I would ultimately like to be Chloe. She kind of gets to sit back and watch everyone else’s drama. She’s great at giving advice and being in on the action, but it isn’t affecting her life directly most of the time. I think she’s a super likeable character!

19. What time of day do you prefer to write?

If I have a choice, I like to write between the hours of noon and 5:00. I like getting all the things I might not enjoy doing as much out of the way in the morning. The afternoon gives me plenty of creative hours before the evening family responsibilities kick in. I will occasionally go back and write later in the evening, but my brain isn’t usually as productive by then. I believe in quality over quantity.

20. What is the most valuable writing advice you’ve ever received?

Don’t be afraid to be a little mean to the characters. Conflict is key!

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Welcome to Bridget Nicole Books

Hello, Friends! Welcome to the Bridget Nicole Books community. Whether it be reading a paranormal romance with werewolves and vampires, a contemporary romance, or even a suspenseful thriller with a romantic twist…I love it all.

My Writing Process

Have you ever thought about the process that goes into writing a novel? It’s said that there are two main types of writers. The planners, and those who tend to fly a bit more by the seat of their pants. Personally, I fall somewhere in the middle.

Twenty Questions with Bridget Nicole

Take a look inside for more insight into Bridget Nicole’s writing experience, her work environment, and even a little bit of advice for new writers.

Content Warnings

Hello, and welcome to Bridget Nicole Books. Thank you for visiting, and for your interest in my books. Your mental health and wellbeing are important to me, so I have put together a list of content / trigger warnings for each of my books, listed in order of release.

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